Blockchain Signing Bug Cracks Open Crypto Investors’ Wallets Worldwide

Blockchain Signing Bug Cracks Open Crypto Investors’ Wallets Worldwide


  • #3406

    Vulnerabilities in digital signature schemes used by popular cryptocurrency wallets have exposed the risk of private key theft, enabling attackers to gain control of investors’ wallets and steal their digital assets. Key highlights are as follows:

    • The Lindell17, GG18, and GG20 threshold signature schemes (TSS) are affected.
    • Popular wallet providers like Zengo and Coinbase were using these protocols but have since mitigated the issue.
    • Attackers compromise parties involved in the signature process and leak bits of the user’s private key data.
    • The vulnerabilities allow attackers to gain full control over the private keys.
    • Additional security layers and high-quality detection systems are necessary to protect against such attacks.

    You can read the full article here:

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