A: This website is a platform to bring together leaders and practitioners from academia, industry, user groups and government organizations to provide and exchange information, insights and advice on technical issues related to virtual assets.  It also aims to promote and Facilitate the Technology Development of Virtual Assets.

A: You can register for an account by clicking the “REGISTER” button on the top right corner of the homepage, and fill out the registration form. You must agree to our policy. Your submission of application will be reviewed. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email.

A: You could find our contact information at the page of “Contact us”, or by sending an email to VATCadmin@cs.hku.hk. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

A: You can change or reset your password by clicking the “Forgot password?” link on the login page. You will need to enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password.

A: You can update your profile information by logging in to your account and clicking the “Edit profile” button on your dashboard. You can change your name, email address, profile picture, bio, and other preferences.

A: You can delete your account by logging in to your account and clicking the “Delete account” button on your dashboard. You will need to confirm your decision and enter your password. Your request will be processed. Please note that once your request is approved, all your data will be deleted and cannot be undone.

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